Digital Identity Verification Trends 2024: Top 5 Innovations

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In the digital age, where every click, swipe, and login shapes our online existence, the question of how we prove our digital identity in the vast expanse of the internet has never been more pertinent.

Digital identity verification is no longer a back-office concern but a frontline battleground in the fight against identity fraud, a scourge that has seen ID theft losses soar to staggering heights. The future of digital identity is being written today, driven by emerging technologies poised to redefine the security contours.

From biometric breakthroughs reminiscent of science fiction movies to adaptive AI systems engineered to outmaneuver fraudsters, the convergence of innovation is not just reshaping industries; it’s fortifying the foundation of digital trust that connects our interconnected world.

But as governments begin issuing digital ID cards, we are reminded that with great power comes great responsibility. Not even the best antivirus software can always save us from identity theft.

Therefore, today we examine the top identity verification and ID scanning trends for 2024 that will help us stay protected.

Will advancements in digital identity verification be a beacon of trust, or will they spark new debates on privacy and ethics?


Key Takeaways

  • Advanced biometrics and AI are redefining secure online identity verification.
  • Liveness checks are proving to be essential in combating synthetic fraud.
  • Digital ID wallets are seen as a way to simplify identity management globally.
  • Blockchain enables secure, self-sovereign digital identities.
  •’s 50 million user milestone accelerates secure digital identity adoption.

The State of the Global Identity Verification Market

In 2023, the global identity verification market size was valued at approximately $10.9 billion, with projections indicating a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.9% from 2023 to 2028.

The identity verification market will continue to gain momentum, driven by an increasing reliance on digital transactions and a heightened demand for secure and seamless online access.

The identity verification market
Source: MarketsandMarkets’s 50 Million Milestone Accelerates Global Push for Secure Digital Identities

The burgeoning market growth is evident in the strides made by digital identity verification companies like ID me, which recently announced the verification of 50 million users to federal standards.

Elsewhere, IDnow’s collaboration with the netID Foundation is set to revolutionize the digital identity landscape in Germany, introducing the netID Wallet as a homegrown alternative to American platforms.

This initiative, aligned with the forthcoming controversial eIDAS regulation update, simplifies the management of reusable digital identities for German users. It contributes to the European Union’s ambitious vision of universal digital identity by 2030.

Top Digital Identity Verification Trends in 2024

Top 5 Trends to Watch

1. Synthetic Fraud and the Evolution of Liveness Detection Technology

With a staggering $52 billion already lost to ID fraud and expectations to double in 2024, recent events highlight the escalating challenge that synthetic fraud and ID scams pose to identity verification technology despite advancements in biometric authentication.

Mandatory liveness detection is becoming increasingly critical as the proliferation of synthetic fraud poses new challenges to the security of online transactions and digital onboarding processes.

Facial liveness detection technology stands at the forefront of combating these challenges, offering a sophisticated means to distinguish genuine human presence from fraudulent attempts using masks, photos, videos, or other spoofing methods.

With the European Banking Authority’s recent guidelines mandating biometric liveness checks for customer enrollment in the EU, this technology is set to become a standard practice in enhancing digital identity verification.

This move underscores a growing global consensus on the need for more robust security measures to thwart fraudsters increasingly leveraging deepfake technology and sophisticated machine learning.

The good news is that new digital identity verification software, liveness detection, will play a pivotal role in the fight against cybercriminals.

2. The Synergy of AI and Biometrics: Redefining Digital Identity Verification

The convergence of biometric technology and AI is making revolutionary strides toward securing and streamlining online interactions.

The heightened adoption of biometric verification, driven by its unparalleled ability to bolster account security, represents a much-needed response to the ever-expanding digital attack surface.

Financial institutions are turning to these technologies to enhance user experience and combat the rising number of sophisticated threats.

With the looming shadow of synthetic identity fraud projected to inflict at least $23 billion in losses by 2030, the imperative for robust digital identification solutions has never been more critical.

This urgency paves the way for a transformative shift in the industry, propelling companies towards innovative digital identity verification software incorporating facial recognition and understanding biometric security.

3. The Surge of Digital ID Wallets: Navigating the Future of Identity Verification

We are beginning to see a significant shift towards digital ID wallets, a movement underscored by a staggering projection from Goode Intelligence that estimates that 1.5 billion people will adopt digital identity wallets by 2029.

This surge represents not merely a trend but a fundamental transformation in how identities are stored, managed, and verified across the globe.

Digital identification wallets, which store documents like driver’s licenses, travel IDs, and national IDs, are on track to revolutionize security and user experience in key industries such as banking, telecommunications, and travel.

For instance, Estonia is leading the charge as it proudly stands out as the advanced society globally, offering 99% of public services online.

The vision of a future where digital identities seamlessly blend into our routines is now within reach. This lays the groundwork for a society where digital ID wallets play a central role in our online presence and guarantee an efficient and interconnected community.

However, it’s essential to understand the advantages and disadvantages associated with embracing digital IDs and wallets before diving headfirst into this space.

4. The Evolution of Digital Identity: Blockchain Paves the Way for Self-Sovereignty

Including blockchain technology in identity verification represents a significant shift that offers improved security, independence, and efficiency in managing personal identities.

At the core of this transformation lies the idea of self-sovereign identity (SSI), a groundbreaking concept made possible by blockchain that empowers individuals to own and manage their identities without depending on a central authority.

By leveraging blockchain’s nature, personal data is not controlled by any entity, enhancing privacy and reducing susceptibility to data breaches.

This technology establishes a basis for verifying identities in an unchangeable manner. These attributes play a role in addressing the risks associated with transactions and engagements.

5. The Convergence of Mobile Identity with 2FA and MFA

As smartphones continue to be integral to every aspect of our lives, Face ID, Touch ID, and advanced camera functionalities are being utilized to simplify the verification process. These features seamlessly bolster defenses against identity theft and fraudulent activities.

These trends reflect a broader movement towards enhancing convenience and accessibility for users while simultaneously adhering to stringent security protocols.

Mobile identity verification represents a pivotal development in ensuring that individuals’ digital and physical identities are authenticated with unparalleled precision and ease, safeguarding the integrity of online transactions and interactions across various sectors.

Two-factor authentication (2FA) and multi-factor authentication (MFA) are the perfect partners of mobile identity. These ensure users have two or more verification credentials, thus enhancing protection beyond the conventional password.

2FA and MFA also facilitate managing your digital identity from the phone, which is the one device that never leaves your side.

Collectively, elements such as codes sent to email or mobile devices, along with biometrics or hardware tokens, ensure that only the rightful account owners gain access. This minimizes the likelihood of unauthorized breaches across diverse sectors, such as finance, online retail, and regulatory compliance environments.

The Bottom Line

The current digital identity trends show two different sides of the same story. On the surface, consumers are actively focussing on improving their cyber hygiene security and demand seamless digital identity tools that are convenient and user-friendly.

However, all this is only made possible by complex technologies from biometric sensors, AI, and ML, as well as access liveness checks features without the need to understand what the tech is or how it works.

Ultimately, users expected better security, convenience, and peace of mind around their digital identity. However, they are happiest when the technology that makes these experiences possible works and remains out of the conversation.


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Neil C. Hughes
Senior Technology Writer
Neil C. Hughes
Senior Technology Writer

Neil is a freelance tech journalist with 20 years of experience in IT. He’s the host of the popular Tech Talks Daily Podcast, picking up a LinkedIn Top Voice for his influential insights in tech. Apart from Techopedia, his work can be found on INC, TNW, TechHQ, and Cybernews. Neil's favorite things in life range from wandering the tech conference show floors from Arizona to Armenia to enjoying a 5-day digital detox at Glastonbury Festival and supporting Derby County.? He believes technology works best when it brings people together.
