U.N. Pledges to Unleash Asia-Pacific’s Digital Potential (Editorial)

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The Asia and Pacific region is vastly rich in natural and human resources, but a digital divide and a lack of inclusion policies, programs, and regional agreements limit some areas of development.

Government leaders, ministers, digital experts, and tech companies will meet at the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Digital Inclusion and Transformation on September 3-5 to explore how to accelerate digital innovation for sustainable development.

The conference will be live-streamed free on the UNESCAP YouTube channel.

On their way to the conference, Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Secretary of ESCAP, and Zhaslan Madiyev, Minister of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of Kazakhstan, shared their hopes and thoughts for what comes next.

This op-ed was shared with Techopedia and published — un-edited and in full — below.?

Key Takeaways

  • The U.N. is promoting Asia-Pacific as a hub for digital innovation and sustainable development.
  • A significant digital divide in the region hinders inclusive growth and access to technology.
  • The Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference aims to accelerate digital transformation and bridge divides.
  • Expanding affordable high-speed Internet and digital skills training is crucial for reducing disparities.
  • Regional cooperation and a potential Digital Solutions Centre in Kazakhstan may help with digital inclusion.

U.N. Promotes Asia and the Pacific as a New Tech Hub for Sustainable Development

The development paradigm has shifted to ‘digital by default’ as a norm, reshaping societies and economies. As a hub for digitally driven innovations, Asia and the Pacific is well positioned to leverage the transformative potential of digital technologies to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.


Emerging technologies are enabling smarter climate action, building more disaster-resilient cities, and optimizing urban development. Artificial intelligence (AI) is helping improve the accuracy of early warning systems for disasters by providing the right information that reaches all the right people at the right time.

Digital finance is more inclusive — expanding access especially for marginalized groups — while digital government platforms likewise enable public services to reach all citizens more effectively and efficiently.

Asia-Pacific Digital Divide and Opportunities for Growth

The Asia-Pacific Digital Transformation Report 2024, which will be launched this week, demonstrates how digital innovations have enabled more sophisticated climate mitigation and adaptation measures across infrastructure, governance, mobility, industry and trade, disaster risk reduction, and agricultural and biodiversity ecosystems.

Drawing from International Energy Agency data, the deployment of digital technologies and big data could save $80 billion per year or around 5% of total world annual power generation costs, while digitalization can help the integration of renewables by enabling smart grids to better match energy demand.

However, the opportunities presented by digital innovations for sustainable development also face challenges and looming threats. The Asia-Pacific region is confronted with several barriers to the broad-scale adoption of digital solutions.

While 96% of the population in Asia and the Pacific live in areas covered by mobile broadband networks, it is estimated that only one-third productively use internet services and up to 40% lack basic digital skills. Moreover, while four out of five people in urban areas use the Internet, in rural regions, this figure is only 52%.

Such gaps in meaningful access are due to digital divides that broadly follow age, income, education, and geographic fault lines, with the gender divide underlying all these aspects. With the use of AI rapidly rising, the need and urgency to bridge the digital divides between and within countries remain critical to ensure the full enjoyment of the benefits of digital technologies for all while minimizing their risks.

Deploying innovative breakthrough solutions to bridge the digital divide and leverage digital transformation for sustainable development will require mobilizing large-scale investments in new infrastructure and connectivity.

To this end, expanding affordable high-speed Internet coverage, particularly among marginalized and underserved communities in rural areas, and offering digital skills training and lifelong learning are critical for reducing digital disparities and connecting the unconnected.

By sharing knowledge, experiences, and practices among countries, regional cooperation can create an environment conducive to innovation and steer us towards an inclusive digital future.

Asia-Pacific to Find Common Ground for Digital Inclusion and Transformation

These holistic approaches require a high level of policy ambition. At the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Digital Inclusion and Transformation, which ESCAP is organizing in partnership with the Government of Kazakhstan in Astana this week, Ministers are expected to commit to a common vision centered on innovative, collaborative digital solutions grounded in regional cooperation.

In this regard, the conference will consider the possibility of establishing a Digital Solutions Centre for Sustainable Development in Kazakhstan that aims to share practical digital solutions to advance the sustainable development agenda in the region.

Relatedly, the ESCAP Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway Initiative and its Action Plan 2022-2026 contribute to the collective push to extend meaningful connectivity to all, scale up digital technology applications, and strengthen digital data, which form the foundations for an inclusive, sustainable digital future.

With Asia and the Pacific at the forefront of a global digital transformation, a sustainable future is within reach. Let us seize on the digital promise to accelerate sustainable development in our region.


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Ray Fernandez
Senior Technology Journalist
Ray Fernandez
Senior Technology Journalist

Ray is an independent journalist with 15 years of experience, focusing on the intersection of technology with various aspects of life and society. He joined Techopedia in 2023 after publishing in numerous media, including Microsoft, TechRepublic, Moonlock, Hackermoon, VentureBeat, Entrepreneur, and ServerWatch. He holds a degree in Journalism from Oxford Distance Learning, and two specializations from FUNIBER in Environmental Science and Oceanography. When Ray is not working, you can find him making music, playing sports, and traveling with his wife and three kids.
