What Does Satellite Television Mean?
Satellite television (satellite TV) is a particular kind of broadcast delivery based on using space satellites to deliver signals. Companies make use of satellites that have been sent out of the Earth’s atmosphere by beaming a signal up to the satellite and delivering it to individual customers via the use of receiving equipment.
Techopedia Explains Satellite Television
The basic setup for a satellite TV involves a satellite dish, also called a “parabolic reflector antenna,” along with a “low-noise block down converter” and a receiver. Satellite TV helps deliver signals in areas where customers may not be served by cable television or “terrestrial” broadcasting.
Satellite TV generally uses two different frequency sets to deliver signals. One is the Ku band, a dedicated channel for satellite TV communications. A type of satellite TV known as direct-broadcast satellite TV (DBSTV) often uses the Ku band. Other analog “big dish” systems use the lower C band, which is also used for certain other kinds of technologies. Although the Ku band is the dedicated channel for satellite TV, the C band can help signals withstand some interruptions, such as signal disruption from inclement weather.