What Does Apache HBase Mean?
Apache HBase is a specific kind of database tool written in Java and used with elements of the Apache software foundation’s Hadoop suite of big data analysis tools. Apache HBase is an open source product, like other elements of Apache Hadoop. It represents one of several database tools for the input and output of large data sets that are crunched by Hadoop and its various utilities and resources.
Techopedia Explains Apache HBase
Apache HBase is a distributed non-relational database, which means that it doesn’t store information in the same way as a traditional relatable database setup. Developers and engineers run data from Apache HBase to and from Hadoop tools like MapReduce for data analysis. The Apache community promotes Apache HBase as a way to get direct access to big data sets. Experts point out that HBase is based on something called Google BigTable, a distributed storage system.
Some of the popular features of Apache HBase include some kinds of backup and failover support, as well as APIs for popular programming languages. Its compatibility with the greater Hadoop system makes it a candidate for many kinds of big data management problems in enterprise IT.